3T new dealer for Sofis Global valves in KSA

Top Tag Trading (3T) has been appointed by Sofis Global, the world's largest interlock manufacturer, as its authorised distributor for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Top Tag Trading (3T) has been appointed by Sofis Global, the world's largest interlock manufacturer, as its authorised distributor for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
“We are pleased to announce our partnership with Sofis Global, the largest manufacturer of valve operation systems such as mechanical interlocks, portable actuators, and valve position indicators,” says a 3T spokesman. 
Sofis Global has trusted brands such as Smith Interlocks and Netherlocks, and provides a bespoke solutions designed to make the working environment in plants safer and to improve working conditions for operations. Its comprehensive solutions include:
Valve interlocks: These minimises safety risks, and reduce human error by using interlocks to guarantee the operators adhere to follow the correct process steps with no shortcuts in the sequence. This creates a safe working environment for operation teams and reduces unscheduled downtime.  
Key management system: This improves operator efficiency and plant performance, and provides greater information and insight from customers’ interlock keys. It guides the operator to ‘right first time’ reducing the scope for error. The system tracks interlock key movements and quickly identify missing keys both of which provides insight into plant operations, that is, usage and status of manual valves.
Sequence control: The sequence control is ideal for complex processes and simplifies steps for the operator as it provides sequence guidance in the field to the operators. The key exchange unit functions as a mechanical PLC to control and safeguard complicated valve operating sequences and ensures the valves are operated in the correct order. The presence of keys in the exchange unit can also be fed back to the DCS thus providing field equipment status information to the control room.
Valve position indicator: VPI provides real-time feedback to the control room. It also provides operators with the notification that the valve has reached a certain position. Each VPI is mounted on to a valve and when the valve has reached its full stroke, a signal is sent to the DCS. This helps users determine that the valves are lined up correctly and ensure ‘first time right’ operations.
Partial stroke testing: Partial Stroke testing is an important safety step to ensure critical service valves, such as emergency shutdown valves (ESD) will actually close upon request. Customers can test the entire system while the valves are flowing process fluids and full stroke valve testing is not practical. The testing can be carried out without bypassing components or additional equipment. This is perfectly suited for maintenance applications and facilitates actuator maintenance during normal operations. Without the partial stroke testing system, the control system components of the actuator could only be replaced during plant downtime, when the actuator is in its fail position.     
Portable valve actuator: With EasiDrive, users can easily open and close hard to operate manual valves. It cuts the time operators spend working valves as they are now operated within minutes. Each valve is fitted with a low cost, permanent mounting kit, designed to protect operators from any potential reaction force, reducing injury risk. The operator simply moves from valve to another valve, with just one portable tool. 
Power wrench portable actuator: Using Power Wrench Portable Valve Actuator, users can speed up valve operation and improve efficiency of their manually operated valves. The power wrench is connected to a valve with a simple to install universal drive plate. This makes it a good choice for incidental manual valve operations. Carrying the tool to valves, operators can open or close a valve within minutes. Fatigue is lowered and the risk of injury is removed. –Tradearabia News Service